Coldstream Culvert Replacement and Restoration
The existing culvert under Coldstream Road, which allows Donner Creek to flow under the road, is undersized and deteriorating. This causes flow problems upstream and erosion downstream, which negatively affects our water quality. This project replaces the current culvert with one that can better withstand future flood conditions and incorporates anticipated higher flow levels due to climate change. In addition to the culvert replacement, the natural stream channel is being restored both upstream and downstream of the new culvert. The new culvert design can accommodate bike lanes on top of the road to provide a link to the future Truckee River Legacy Trail segment.
This project is under construction during summer 2020
Sustainability Benefits
The project will restore the natural function of the creek by replacing the existing culvert, allowing the restoration of the natural stream channel, and improving the floodplain. This will ultimately increase flood capacity, reduce erosion, and improve fish passage.
Donner Creek, runs into the Truckee River, and ends in Pyramid Lake. Reduction of erosion helps protect the watershed and species such as the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout.
More Cool benefits (pun intended!)
The project includes the installation of vegetation that will help lower the water temperature to improve the cold water habitat of the creek. In addition, plants help clean the air by removing carbon dioxide. The substantial amount of plants installed as part of the restoration effort, will help slow the growth of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere.