Waste and recycling services for residents and businesses within the Town of Truckee are provided by the waste hauler, Tahoe Truckee Sierra Disposal (TTSD).
How much trash are you allotted? Each resident is limited to one 32-gallon can of trash per week. There is no can averaging. TTSD only collects trash in the bin you provide. Residents can also subscribe to 2-can service for an additional fee. Of course, the use of recycling carts and green waste carts will help ensure you always have your fill.
Winter Service Reminders

The following is required year-round, but is especially important in the winter when there is snow on the ground:
- Place trash and recycling behind the snow pole line to not interfere with roadway snow removal operations.
- Remove containers from the Town right-of-way the same day as collection.
- Do not place trash out before 5 am, unless you are using a bear shed.
Bear shed usage:
- Remove snow and ice from bear sheds to allow doors to swing freely and fully.
- Clearly label your bear shed with your property address. Address should face the street.
- TTSD will not service bear sheds unless a clear, unobstructed direct path of access at least 36″ wide is cleared of snow, including removing roadside snow berm.