Food Waste Services

Organic waste makes up more than 30 percent of the waste California sends to landfills and contributes to about 11 percent of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. California’s AB 1826 and the Town of Truckee’s Municipal Code Section 6.01.070 require large organic waste generators to separate food waste from landfill. Compliance can be reached through participation in TTSD’s food-waste collection service or by self-hauling organic materials to a recycling processing facility (i.e. to compost or animal feed). With TTSD’s food waste service, food scraps from commercial subscribers are hauled to RT Donovan Composting Facility in Sparks and Full Circle Composting Facility in Carson City. TTSD services food-waste carts and dumpsters up to three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Contact Truckee’s recycling staff for more information at (530) 582-2928.
Large commercial organic waste generators with materials besides food scraps, such as landscape debris or spent grain, should contact Truckee’s recycling staff for assistance in certifying compliance.
Complimentary resources available: Contact the Town’s staff at to schedule a staff training session or request additional complimentary resources like indoor collection containers.
Container swap out: TTSD offers free container swap outs every 6 months to provide a clean container. Call TTSD to schedule at (530) 583-7800.
How to participate:
- Separate out your food waste in your business and place materials directly into the food waste cart or dumpster. NO BAGS!
- For cart participants: place your cart curbside, or in your predesignated collection site, by 6am on your collection day(s). The cart must be 3 ft. apart from other objects.
- After service, remove the cart from the street. Carts cannot be left in town right-of-way.

Video Guide to Opening Wildlife-Resistant Carts:
LID MUST LOCK to keep wildlife out!
Businesses that generate 2 or more cubic yards of solid waste per week and less than ½ cubic yard of food scraps per week are eligible for the Mandatory Organics Waiver: