Coldstream Road Roundabout
The Coldstream Road Roundabout Project will construct a roundabout at the intersection of Coldstream Road, Donner Pass Road, and the I-80 eastbound ramps. The project will take advantage of the newly-widened section of road that was constructed in 2020 as a part of the Coldstream Road – Donner Creek Structure Replacement Project. This project will improve safety, circulation, and access for existing land uses as well as the affordable housing project (Coldstream Commons) and new market-rate housing (Elements at Coldstream). The project will be funded with Coldstream Specific Plan Developer funds (made partially possible through an Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities grant) and Town Traffic Impact Fee funds.
Sustainability Benefits
Roundabouts help reduce traffic congestion and vehicle idling, resulting in decreased air quality impacts, fuel consumption, and GHG emissions. With the new housing developments being constructed on Coldstream Road, this roundabout project will create better access and circulation at an intersection with increasing volumes of traffic.