How Do I Use Blue Bags?
While we encourage residents to use recycling carts to reduce waste from single-use blue bags, we recognize they don’t work for every household. That’s why we still accept blue bags for free as an alternative to recycling carts, or as an additional option for when you might have more recycling than will fit in your recycling cart.
When are blue bags serviced?
Blue bags are collected weekly with your trash service. They are collected in the same vehicle as household trash, not with the blue recycle carts, so be sure your bags are securely tied to keep your recyclables separate from trash.
Where do I put my blue bags?
Whether you place your trash in a bear shed or curbside, blue bags should always be placed next to your trash can. Blue bags do not belong inside recycling carts or trash cans. Please do not use a separate trash can for your blue bags. Any items in a trash can will be charged as trash, not recycling, and you may receive a trash overage charge.
All recyclables, including cardboard, must fit inside your blue bag to be collected for free.
Where do I get blue bags?
Blue bags can be purchased at: Tahoe Supply Company, Mountain Hardware, Tahoe Donner HOA Member Services, The Office Boss (Safeway and Airport Locations), New Moon Natural Foods