Residential Recycling and Green Waste Cart Rollout

It's time to bag your bag.

In 2018 the Town of Truckee rolled out a new recycling and yard waste residential cart program designed to increase Truckee’s waste diversion. Since 2018, 6,279 recycling carts and 10,693 green waste carts were delivered to residents who opted-in to the programs. Check our Measurable Success- Trash and Recycling page to follow along on our town-wide waste diversion and recycling rates.

Carts were phased in by neighborhood over a three year period, with final cart deliveries taking place in spring 2020.

Sustainability Benefits

The use of recycling and green waste carts will prevent up to 3 million blue and green bags sent to landfill over the 10-year contract, reduce recycling contamination, and increase the amount of materials collected for recycling and defensible space.

Email signup

If you would like to stay up-to-date on Truckee's sustainability efforts or sign up for trash and recycling pick up day reminders, submit your info here!